
Manifestation Tarot reading


For 40 minutes live with me on Google Meets

What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become!

This manifestation Tarot reading is tailored for those of you who are using the ‘Law of attraction’ to manifest your dreams. The tarot is steeped in history and is centuries old. The images contained in many of the cards relate to the twelve Universal laws… Attraction being just one! I am a certified practitioner in the Law of attraction. The spreads I use can reveal messages, directly from the Universe itself.

This manifestation Tarot reading can help with the following, and much more:

  • Help you discover and master dominant thoughts.
  • Help you find blockages and remove them.
  • Discover if the Universe has tasks for you.
  • Work with the Law of Action.
  • Help establish a solid connection with desires.

Tarot can appear a bit daunting if you have never had a reading before, all those old spooky TV shows and films with the Death card, predicting horrible things. The truth is Tarot isn’t like that at all and if a reader tells you that it is… Then go to another reader because they probably won’t be very good.

I absolutely promise not to scare the pants off of you! You will love the Tarot experience with me. Many people have come to me for this manifestation Tarot reading for advice regarding the laws of attraction and repulsion.

My clients include those who are new to Tarot and those who have been to many other readers… The results have been amazing, just see my reviews on Facebook page and Trustpilot!

I am a professional Tarot card reader with over thirty years of experience. I started my Tarot career back in the ā€™1990s, (although I had been reading for fun since the mid-ā€™1980s) Tarot cards have helped me throughout my life, through tough times and happy ones. I have been told by many people that I have a psychic gift! It is a gift I have always shared with others, my life purpose.

My Tarot readings are rooted in intuition. Through my interpretations of the Tarot cards, I aim to help my clients figure things out and help them better understand themselves. I can see someoneā€™s whole story in the cards. Itā€™s a gut feeling. Most of my clients come back time and time again.

When we go through distressing times, very often it evokes confusion about how we feel about the situation and what decisions or choices we should make. In such times it can be really helpful and beneficial to receive some clear guidance. Clarity and peace of mind can come when you get in touch with your own intuition. Your intuition is your best friend when it comes to making those difficult choices and decisions.

My clients include celebrities, business gurus and influential people, they keep coming backā€¦ So I must be doing something right in my Tarot career!

I would love to read for you, empower you in some way, make a difference in your life.

Check out my other Tarot readings here